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LPI certification 101 exam prep, Part 3
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1. About this tutorial

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For technical questions about the content of this tutorial, contact the authors:

Daniel Robbins lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is the President/CEO of Gentoo Technologies, Inc., the creator of Gentoo Linux, an advanced Linux for the PC, and the Portage system, a next-generation ports system for Linux. He has also served as a contributing author for the Macmillan books Caldera OpenLinux Unleashed, SuSE Linux Unleashed, and Samba Unleashed. Daniel has been involved with computers in some fashion since the second grade, when he was first exposed to the Logo programming language as well as a potentially dangerous dose of Pac Man. This probably explains why he has since served as a Lead Graphic Artist at SONY Electronic Publishing/Psygnosis. Daniel enjoys spending time with his wife, Mary, and their daughter, Hadassah.

Chris Houser, known to many of his friends as "Chouser", has been a UNIX proponent since 1994 when joined the administration team for the computer science network at Taylor University in Indiana, where he earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. Since then, he has gone on to work in Web application programming, user interface design, professional video software support, and now Tru64 UNIX device driver programming at Compaq. He has also contributed to various free software projects, most recently to Gentoo Linux. He lives with his wife and two cats in New Hampshire.

Aron Griffis graduated from Taylor University with a degree in Computer Science and an award that proclaimed him the "Future Founder of a Utopian UNIX Commune". Working towards that goal, Aron is employed by Compaq writing network drivers for Tru64 UNIX, and spending his spare time plunking out tunes on the piano or developing Gentoo Linux. He lives with his wife Amy (also a UNIX engineer) in Nashua, NH.

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