Everyone knows about the iPod volume boost application for Windows/Mac
http://espen.se/), but what about for Linux?
I'm using Debian unstable and gtkpod, so here's what I did ...
apt-get install gnupod-tools
mount /mnt/ipod
cp /mnt/ipod/iTunes/iPod_Control/iTunes/iTunes* /tmp/.
tunes2pod -m /mnt/ipod/ --force
mktunes -m /mnt/ipod --volume 40
This method works quite well ... 40 may even be a bit too loud. 25
seems good.
(I also had a problem with tunes2pod ... I needed to change the script
/usr/share/perl5/GNUpod/FooBar.pm to point to gnupod_otgsync instead
of gnupod_otgsync.pl - this will probably be fixed in a future release)
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