GNU/Linux Desktop Survival Guide by Graham Williams |
GIMP Visual Quickstart GuidePhyllis Davis 306 pages, published May 2000 by Peachpit Press, ISBN 0201702533.
Gimp for Linux BibleStephanie Cottrell Bryant, Tillman Hodgson, and Bryan Livingston728 pages, published April 2000 by DG Books Worldwide, ISBN 0764533983.
Grokking the GimpCarey Bunks352 pages, published February 2000 by New Riders Publishing, ISBN 0735709246.
Sams Teach Yourself GIMP in 24 HoursJoshua Pruitt and Ramona Pruitt334 pages, published March 1999 by Sams, ISBN 0672315092.
Arists' Guide to the GIMPMichael J. Hammel340 pages, published December 1998 by Specialised Systems Consultants, ISBN 1578310113.