This is another form of the multi way decision. It is well structured, but can only be used in certain cases where;
estimate(number) int number; /* Estimate a number as none, one, two, several, many */ { switch(number) { case 0 : printf("None\n"); break; case 1 : printf("One\n"); break; case 2 : printf("Two\n"); break; case 3 : case 4 : case 5 : printf("Several\n"); break; default : printf("Many\n"); break; } }Each interesting case is listed with a corresponding action. The break statement prevents any further statements from being executed by leaving the switch. Since case 3 and case 4 have no following break, they continue on allowing the same action for several values of number.
Both if and switch constructs allow the programmer to make a selection from a number of possible actions.
The other main type of control statement is the loop. Loops allow a statement, or block of statements, to be repeated. Computers are very good at repeating simple tasks many times, the loop is C's way of achieving this.