Tk::Zinc - another Canvas which proposes many new functions, some based on openGL Install: perl Makefile.PL make make test # to run demos before installing: perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib demos/zinc-demos make install up-to-date documentation is also available at You will find there the reference manual, a FAQ, a mailing list, its archive etc... The source of the reference manual is available in the full source package, which also includes TkZinc for Tcl/Tk, for Perl/Tk, and for Python (Python binding are now obsoletes). After installation, we recommend you to launch the zinc-demos script, a frontend to more than 30 small demos. For more information on building Tk::Zinc, a README is available in the tkzinc-*tgz tar file (on Tkzinc web site) used for building tcl flavor of Tk::Zinc For the copyright, please, read the COPYRIGHT file. For any question on Tk::Zinc usage, build or installation pb, please send email to This mailing list can be subscribed from You can also send a question without subscribing, but you will be asked for a confirmation to avoid spam on the list! Authors and Contributors: Tk::Zinc main author is Patrick Lecoanet Sub-Modules, demos and documentation have been developped by Daniel Etienne, Christophe Mertz, Jean-Luc Vinot, with contributions from St�phane Chatty, C�line Schlienger, Alexandre Lemort St�phane Conversy contributed for the MacOSX port. Many others contributed with their bug reports!