Files in Tk-Contrib have been contributed by various people at
various times.

Included widgets:

	Tk::Axis - Canvas with Axes
	Tk::Dial - an alternative to the Scale widget
	Tk::OlWm - Interface to OpenLook properties of Toplevel widget
	Tk::TiedListbox - gang together Listboxes


	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	# try script(s) in demo directory (optional)
	make install

Please send question, suggestions, bug reports and patches to
the perl/Tk mailing list

Achim Bohnet <>

Success Reports:

v0.03: At least the 4 items build, test, and install (and the demo works)

		SPARC/Solaris 2.5.1/Sun Compiler
		Digital Unix V4.0b, DEC CC compiler


Version 0.0501

	o Oooops package was Dial not Tk::Dial as it should.
	  Now CPAN indexer can get it right. Thanks to Andreas Koenig.

Version 0.05

	o patch of TiedListbox to fix scrolling

		From: Andrew Allen <>
		Subject: Re: Database -> TiedListbox widget
		Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 09:45:47 -0700
		Message-id: <>

Version 0.04

	o Typos fixed in README (Larry Virden <>)

	o Many little documentation fixes (Larry Virden <>)

	o (Mis)use Revision keyword of prcs for $VERSION.  '+1' offset
	  necessary to get a new $VERSION higher than 2.00x that was set
	  earlier by perforce.	

	o README: Added simple success reports table for this distribution

Version 0.03

	o now flat subdirectory structure

	o demos/tiedlistbox strict and -w clean

Version 0.02

	o added trivial tests: may only uncover possible -w warnings

	o Each contribution has it's own dir that a ready CPAN dist

		# add README file
		echo 'Makefile$' > MANIFEST.SKIP
		mkdir t && 
		perl Makefile.PL
		make manifest
		make dist

	  Blech!  Better remove subdir overhead and write a CPAN HOWTO

	o MM NAME attr set to Tk::Whatever => better perllocal.pod
	  entry but creates unnecessary auto/Tk/Whatever/.packlist

	o Removed FileDialog and WaitBox. They have their
	  own CPAN distribution already

	o Removed book-examples and TickerTape. They are not

Version 0.01:

	o Contrib tree from Tk402.003