package Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack'; use Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Util qw( checksum ); use Mojo::URL; has [qw(app config)]; sub register { my ($self, $app, $config) = @_; $self->config($config); $self->app($app); Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{app}); $self->SUPER::register($app, $config); # Patch the asset route $self->route; $app->routes->find('assetpack')->pattern->defaults->{cb} = $self->serve_cb(); my $process = $config->{process}; $self->process(ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_) #($_->[0], map Mojo::URL->new($_), @$_[1..$#$_]) for ref $process eq 'HASH' ? map([$_=> ref $process->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$process->{$_}} : $process->{$_}], keys %$process) : ref $process eq 'ARRAY' ? @$process : (); return $self; } sub process {# redefine for nested topics my ($self, $topic, @input) = @_; $self->route unless $self->{route_added}++; return $self->_process_from_def($topic) unless @input; # TODO: The idea with blessed($_) is that maybe the user can pass inn # Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Sprites object, with images to generate # CSS from? my $assets = Mojo::Collection->new; for my $url (@input) { if (my $nested = $self->processed($url)) { push @$assets, @$nested; next; } my $asset = Scalar::Util::blessed($url) ? $url : $self->store->asset($url); die qq(Could not find input asset "$url".) unless Scalar::Util::blessed($asset); push @$assets, $asset; } return $self->tap(sub { $_->{input}{$topic} = $assets }) if $self->{lazy}; return $self->_process($topic => $assets); } sub serve_cb { my $self= shift; return sub { my $c = shift; my $checksum = $c->stash('checksum'); if (($c->req->headers->accept_encoding // '') =~ /gzip/i && (my $asset = $self->{by_checksum}{$checksum})) { #~ warn "serve_cb", $c->dumper($asset); my $cfconfig=$self->config->{CombineFile} || {}; my $checksum_gzip = checksum($asset->url.($self->app->config('version') // $self->app->config('версия') // '').'.gzip'); $asset = $self->{by_checksum}{$checksum_gzip} and $c->res->headers->content_encoding('gzip') and $self->store->serve_asset($c, $asset) and return $c->rendered; } Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::_serve($c, @_); }; } =pod =encoding utf8 Доброго всем =head1 Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che ¡ ¡ ¡ ALL GLORY TO GLORIA ! ! ! =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che - Child of Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack for little bit code. =head1 DESCRIPTION Can process assets during register plugin. Can pipe HTML files with L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::HTML>. Can pipe CSS, JS, JSON, HTML with L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Pipe::CombineFile> into disk cache. This pipe can also gzip and cache gzipped assets. Since version 1.28. =head1 VERSION Version 1.452 (test on base Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack v1.45) =cut our $VERSION = '1.452'; =head1 SYNOPSIS See parent module L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack> for full documentation. On register the plugin C<config> can contain additional optional argument B<process>: $app->plugin(AssetPack => pipes => [...], process => {foo.js=>[...], ...}); # or $app->plugin(AssetPack => pipes => [...], process => [[foo.js=>(...)], ...]); # or $app->plugin(AssetPack => pipes => [...], process => [$definition_file1, ...]); =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack> =head1 AUTHOR Михаил Че (Mikhail Che), C<< <mche[-at-]> >> =head1 BUGS / CONTRIBUTING Please report any bugs or feature requests at L<>. Pull requests also welcome. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Mikhail Che. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # End of Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack::Che